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Emvisage Explained - Automated Work Orders, Emails, Reports & More

January 17, 2020Field Service Software

Be honest, have you ever thought something along those lines:

“Get me out of the office! I want less time in the office and more time on site, more time doing site & safety audits!” 

As a field service business owner, you probably started your business because you were passionate about your work. You wanted to create something on your own and deliver value to people that need your services. You definitely didn’t want to be stuck in an office, and drowning in paperwork due to heavy regulations regarding audit trials or an increased amount of other documentation needs. You shouldn’t be! 

If you want to set your business up for growth, there’s only one solution: Automation!

In this article, we give you a quick overview of the most important automation features in Emvisage Field Service Software. Our customers typically save around 30-40% of their back-office costs, cut emails by 75% and reduce time spent on field paperwork by up to 50% with our no-code job management software. Check out our online calculator where you can plug your numbers into and get an idea of your potential savings. 

Emvisage’s Automation Features in a nutshell:

Automated Dashboard/Reports - Check the progress of every job

Automated Worklist - No need for endless calls & messaging

Automated Forms - Only show what is relevant for the installer

Automated Reports - A game-changer for your entire team

Automated History Tracking - Digital trails at your fingertips

Automated Work Order - Get a clear & visible job trail

Automated Email - Your back-office staff will love this

Automated Sorted Document - Compliance checks made easy

Automated Dashboard/Reports

The dashboard and the reports automatically update so that there is always an up to date summary of all the projects you’ve got going on. It even groups the data into various categories to provide you summaries, or breakdowns whenever you need them.

This makes it a seamless process to check the progress of various jobs, or see what teams or regions might be falling behind in terms of productivity and delivery.

Automated Worklist

The worklist is automatically updated to provide the latest information on an individualised worklist. This list contains all the jobs/tasks that have been assigned to an individual user’s account, making it easy to see what they need to do, and what’s coming up soon.

The benefit? There’s no need for back-and-forth calling and messaging. Your field technicians simply can check their worklist with their mobile and they know what’s expected of them. 

Automated Forms

All the forms used in Emvisage can be made dynamic, meaning that the forms are changing as the responses are entered. In practice, this means that the form only shows what installers need to fill out. No need to waste time looking for the next item to fill in – everything they see is relevant to them. It is also possible to have auto-calculated items based on your data entered in the form.

Automated Reports

We understand that putting documents and reports together and keeping them up to date is a big time and productivity killer. A better way of doing this is … you guessed it, automation!

In Emvisage, you can autogenerate documents such as a reporting summary and status reports of certain projects. This gives you a snapshot of the reporting and project at a particular time.

You can also autogenerate other documents, such as product manuals, with all the needed product details e.g. serial numbers, auto-filled into the document.

Automating your reports will be a game-changer for your entire team!

Automated History Tracking

Emvisage automatically tracks and logs major changes to the job. Recording changes automatically means that you’ve always got a digital trail at your fingertips. This is your ultimate tool when it comes to audits or when accountability issues amongst your field technicians arise. 

Automated Work Orders

When you move a job to the next stage, the software automatically sends an email to the team responsible to take over the job. Basically it’s a completely automated handoff process. It also makes it’s crystal clear who is responsible for the project now. This clear and visible job trail comes in handy when there are complications or accountability issues. 

Automated Emails

This is one of the most loved and praised features of our customers. 

Instead of having your back office staff write manual emails to your clients (e.g. about installation times, work schedules etc.), you can use Emvisage to send those emails and SMSes automatically.

Now this is a real time- and work-saver! 

Automatically Sorted Documents

This will be a real game-changer for your back office staff and definitely improve their happiness at work: 

Emvisage aautomatically tags, and sorts all documents that are attached to the job, making it much easier to find the documents you need to finish the job. 

Doing the necessary compliance checks has never been easier!

If you’re looking for software to help you automate dull or time-consuming tasks in your field service business, let us help you with that!

We help field service business with highly complex workflows to automate and streamline their processes. Just drop us a message at Let’s automate your workflows together!

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